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How to become a real STAR

Teaching Idea: The true definition of a STAR

If you ask your players to name a basketball star you should see lots of hands raise up.  Have your players name a few of them.  You will hear names like Lebron James, Kobi Bryant, Michael Jordan (I know it's amazing his name keeps coming up) and others. 

Ask your players what makes them a star.  Most of the answers you will hear will be related to their physical ability and personal stats, their fame or their money.

Share with them the S.T.A.R. acronym and let them know what it stands for.  Sportmanship, Teamwork, (Positive) Attitude and Respect.  Let them know that while they may or may not be a basketball super star some day they can all become a true star by having good character.

Let them know about some of the upcoming topics and let them know you will not only be teaching them about basketball but how to develop good character which will help them to not only become a better person but also a better team.